SEC adopts major changes for insider transactions

In a significant and welcome change from the SEC’s proposal, the agency will not mandate cooling-off periods for 10b5-1 plans used for corporate stock buybacks. For plan use by directors, officers and other insiders, the rules add cooling-off periods and mandate new disclosures. The rules also include new disclosure requirements for option grants and stock gifts.

On December 14, 2022, the Securities and Exchange Commission adopted new rules focused on Rule 10b5-1 trading arrangements and other securities transactions involving corporate insiders, including directors and officers. In many respects the new rules track the agency’s proposals from a year ago, although the SEC responded to certain concerns raised by commenters, yielding what we consider to be an improved set of changes to its rulebook over the original version. In particular, the SEC did not adopt changes that would have unnecessarily interfered with corporate stock repurchase programs, such as a proposed 30-day cooling-off period for issuer use of the Rule 10b5-1 safe harbor.

Chair Gensler deserves credit for shepherding the proposals through a constructive rulemaking process and achieving unanimous support from his fellow commissioners on a complex subject that easily could have splintered along partisan lines. Heading into the new year, we are optimistic that the SEC may take a similarly pragmatic approach to some of the other consequential items pending on its rulemaking agenda, including additional rules governing stock buybacks and climate risk disclosures.

Compliance dates

The final rules are effective on February 27, 2023. Except where noted below, the rules apply to all SEC registrants, including foreign private issuers.

What to do now. Companies should consider revising their Rule 10b5-1 guidelines and insider trading policies to account for the new mandated cooling-off periods, restrictions and certification requirements discussed below.

Rule 10b5-1 trading plans

Rule 10b5-1 offers a defense to the charge of illegal insider trading for securities transactions executed according to a plan entered into when the trader does not have material nonpublic information, or MNPI, about the company. Because they frequently hold MNPI, directors, officers and other company insiders often use Rule 10b5-1 trading plans to sell and buy stock, and companies themselves often use the plans when conducting stock buybacks. Properly used, Rule 10b5-1 trading plans help companies and insiders avoid running afoul of insider trading laws when engaging in everyday stock transactions. Nevertheless, over the years academic studies and investigative journalists have suggested that some insiders may use Rule 10b5-1 trading plans for the opposite purpose: to facilitate illegal insider trading.

Although the SEC’s enforcement program has never uncovered a wide pattern of such abuse, the SEC is adopting the following major changes to make sure it doesn’t happen.

Mandatory cooling-off periods for insiders (but not for companies)

Rule 10b5-1 as currently in effect does not impose any waiting period between the time a plan is adopted or amended and the date of the first trade under the plan. The amended rule changes that as follows:

In another helpful change from the original proposal, only certain types of plan modifications will trigger a new cooling-off period. Modifications that do not change the pricing, amount of securities or timing of trades will not trigger a new cooling-off period. The final rule would also not treat as a modification instances where a broker executing trades on behalf of the insider under Rule 10b5-1 is substituted by a different broker so long as the purchase or sales instructions remain the same.

Prohibition on overlapping plans and limitation on single-trade plans (but not for companies)

The final rule restricts anyone other than companies themselves from using multiple overlapping plans, although the SEC improved its original proposal in several ways, including the following:

Rule 10b5-1 would be available for only one “single trade” plan entered into by an insider during any 12-month period. In support of the limitation, the SEC cited a study that found that trades under such a plan “avoid losses that appear statistically unlikely to be avoided by uninformed traders” even where the trade occurs more than 120 days after plan adoption. The single-trade limitation also allows sell-to-cover transactions, mirroring the accommodation described above in the context of overlapping plans.

The SEC did not adopt limitations as proposed on multiple plans and single-trade plans for companies themselves.

Officer and director representations

Consistent with the proposed rule, the final rule provides that upon adopting a Rule 10b5-1 trading plan, an officer or director would be required to certify to the company in writing that they are not aware of MNPI and that they are adopting the plan in good faith and not as part of a plan to evade the prohibition against illegal insider trading. Unlike the proposed rule, however, the final rule requires these certifications to be included as representations under the Rule 10b5-1 plan rather than a separate document provided to the issuer, and does away with a problematic recordkeeping requirement that was included in the proposed rule.

Good faith requirement

Currently Rule 10b5-1 trading plans must be adopted in good faith. The proposed rule would have added a requirement that they also be “operated” in good faith. The final rule requires instead that the person (including an issuer) who has adopted a Rule 10b5-1 plan must act in good faith with respect to the plan, and applies the requirement from the time of adoption through the duration of the plan. But because the distinction between operation of a plan in good faith and acting in good faith with respect to a plan is not clear, we think that this nevertheless raises questions around an insider’s ability to terminate a plan, as well as the insider’s later participation in authorizing corporate disclosure decisions.

Mandatory disclosure of trading plans and insider-trading policies

There is currently no requirement to publicly disclose the adoption, amendment or termination of a trading plan, and disclosure practice is mixed. In addition, companies are not currently required to publicly disclose the details of their insider-trading policies, and most do not. The final rule adds disclosure requirements for both and applies whether or not trading plans are entered into pursuant to Rule 10b5-1.