The Monarchs Stormforth


Once during this turn, if you would Tribute a monster for a Tribute Summon, you can Tribute 1 monster your opponent controls even though you do not control it. You can only activate 1 "The Monarchs Stormforth" per turn. During the turn you activate this card, you cannot Special Summon monsters from the Extra Deck.

English sets


2014-08-14DUEA-EN066Duelist AllianceCommon
2014-12-05AP06-EN025Astral Pack SixCommon
2015-09-17MP15-EN1092015 Mega-Tin Mega PackCommon
2016-01-28SR01-EN027Emperor of Darkness Structure DeckCommon
2016-03-18PGL3-EN085Premium Gold: Infinite GoldGold Rare
2018-03-08LCKC-EN093Legendary Collection Kaiba Mega PackUltra Rare
2018-05-24DASA-EN044Dark SaviorsSuper Rare
2021-06-17EGO1-EN032Egyptian God Deck: Obelisk the TormentorCommon

Search categories

Related to archetypes and series Monarch

Summoning categories Prevents the player's Special Summons from the Extra Deck

Miscellaneous Only once per turn Limited activations

Limitation history

Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game
StatusStart dateEnd dateList
Limited2016-08-292019-01-27August 2016 Lists
Unlimited2019-01-28 January 2019 Lists

Other languages

Language NameCard text
French La Tempête des Monarques Une fois durant ce tour, si vous allez Sacrifier un monstre pour une Invocation Sacrifice, vous pouvez Sacrifier 1 monstre contrôlé par votre adversaire même si vous ne le contrôlez pas. Vous ne pouvez activer qu'1 "La Tempête des Monarques" par tour. Durant le tour où vous activez cette carte, vous ne pouvez pas Invoquer Spécialement de monstres depuis l'Extra Deck.
German Sturmkraft der Monarchen Einmal während dieses Spielzugs, falls du ein Monster als Tribut für eine Tributbeschwörung anbieten würdest, kannst du 1 Monster, das dein Gegner kontrolliert, als Tribut anbieten, obwohl du es nicht kontrollierst. Du kannst nur 1 „Sturmkraft der Monarchen“ pro Spielzug aktivieren. Du kannst während des Spielzugs, in dem du diese Karte aktivierst, keine Monster als Spezialbeschwörung vom Extra Deck beschwören.
Italian Tempestavanzata dei Monarchi Una volta durante questo turno, se stai per offrire come Tributo un mostro per un'Evocazione tramite Tributo, puoi offrire come Tributo 1 mostro controllato dal tuo avversario anche se non lo controlli tu. Puoi attivare solo 1 "Tempestavanzata dei Monarchi" per turno. Durante il turno in cui attivi questa carta non puoi Evocare Specialmente mostri dall'Extra Deck.
Portuguese O Monarca Avança Uma vez durante este turno, se você fosse oferecer um monstro como Tributo para uma Invocação-Tributo, você pode oferecer como Tributo 1 monstro que seu oponente controla mesmo que você não o controle. Você só pode ativar 1 "O Monarca Avança" por turno. Durante o turno em que ativar este card, você não pode Invocar por Invocação-Especial monstros do Deck Adicional.
Spanish Los Monarcas Avanzan Una vez durante este turno, si fueras a Sacrificar un monstruo para una Invocación por Sacrificio, puedes Sacrificar 1 monstruo que controle tu adversario aunque no lo controles tú. Sólo puedes activar 1 "Los Monarcas Avanzan" por turno. Durante el turno en el que activas esta carta, no puedes Invocar monstruos de Modo Especial desde el Deck Extra.
Japanese 帝 ( てい ) 王 ( おう ) の 烈 ( れっ ) 旋 ( せん ) このカード名のカードは1ターンに1枚しか発動できず、このカードを発動するターン、自分はEXデッキからモンスターを特殊召喚できない。①:このターン、自分がモンスターをアドバンス召喚する場合に1度だけ、自分フィールドのモンスター1体の代わりに相手フィールドのモンスター1体をリリースできる。
Teiō no Ressen
Korean 제왕의 열선 이 카드명의 카드는 1턴에 1장밖에 발동할 수 없으며, 이 카드를 발동하는 턴에, 자신은 엑스트라 덱에서 몬스터를 특수 소환할 수 없다. ①: 이 턴에, 자신이 몬스터를 어드밴스 소환할 경우에 1번만, 자신 필드의 몬스터 1장 대신에 상대 필드의 몬스터 1장을 릴리스할 수 있다.
Simplified Chinese 帝王的烈旋 此卡名的卡1个回合仅可发动1张,此卡发动的回合,自己不可从额外牌组特殊召唤怪兽。①:此回合,自己在要将怪兽上级召唤的情况下,仅限1次,可解放对手场上的1只怪兽作为自己场上1只怪兽的代替。

Sets in other languages


ReleaseNumberSetFrench nameRarity
2014-08-14DUEA-FR066Duelist AllianceL'Alliance des DuellistesCommon
2014-12-13AP06-FR025Astral Pack SixPaquet Astral SixCommon
2015-09-17MP15-FR1092015 Mega-Tin Mega Pack2015 Méga-Boîte Méga-PackCommon
2016-01-28SR01-FR027Emperor of Darkness Structure DeckEmpereur des Ombres Deck de StructureCommon
2016-03-17PGL3-FR085Premium Gold: Infinite GoldGold Premium: Or InfiniGold Rare
2018-03-08LCKC-FR093Legendary Collection Kaiba Mega PackCollection Légendaire Kaiba Méga-PackUltra Rare
2018-05-24DASA-FR044Dark SaviorsLes Sauveurs des TénèbresSuper Rare
2021-06-17EGO1-FR032Egyptian God Deck: Obelisk the TormentorDeck des Dieux Égyptiens : Obélisk, le TourmenteurCommon


ReleaseNumberSetGerman nameRarity
2014-08-14DUEA-DE066Duelist AllianceDuelist AllianceCommon
2014-12-13AP06-DE025Astral Pack SixAstral Pack SechsCommon
2015-09-17MP15-DE1092015 Mega-Tin Mega Pack2015 Mega-Tin Mega PackCommon
2016-01-28SR01-DE027Emperor of Darkness Structure DeckEmperor of Darkness Structure DeckCommon
2016-03-17PGL3-DE085Premium Gold: Infinite GoldPremium Gold: Infinite GoldGold Rare
2018-03-08LCKC-DE093Legendary Collection Kaiba Mega PackLegendary Collection Kaiba Mega PackUltra Rare
2018-05-24DASA-DE044Dark SaviorsDark SaviorsSuper Rare
2021-06-17EGO1-DE032Egyptian God Deck: Obelisk the TormentorEgyptian God Deck: Obelisk the TormentorCommon


ReleaseNumberSetItalian nameRarity
2014-08-14DUEA-IT066Duelist AllianceAlleanza dei DuellantiCommon
2014-12-12AP06-IT025Astral Pack SixAstral Pack SeiCommon
2015-09-17MP15-IT1092015 Mega-Tin Mega Pack2015 Mega-Tin Mega PackCommon
2016-01-28SR01-IT027Emperor of Darkness Structure DeckImperatore dell'Oscurità Structure DeckCommon
2016-03-17PGL3-IT085Premium Gold: Infinite GoldPremium Oro: Oro InfinitoGold Rare
2018-03-08LCKC-IT093Legendary Collection Kaiba Mega PackCollezione Leggendaria Kaiba Mega PackUltra Rare
2018-05-24DASA-IT044Dark SaviorsSalvatori OscuriSuper Rare
2021-06-17EGO1-IT032Egyptian God Deck: Obelisk the TormentorDeck Divinità Egizie: Obelisk il TormentatoreCommon


ReleaseNumberSetPortuguese nameRarity
2014-08-15DUEA-PT066Duelist AllianceAliança dos DuelistasCommon
2014-12-05AP06-PT025Astral Pack SixPacote Astral SeisCommon
2015-09-18MP15-PT1092015 Mega-Tin Mega Pack2015 Mega-Lata Mega-PacoteCommon
2016-01-29SR01-PT027Emperor of Darkness Structure DeckImperador das Trevas Deck EstruturalCommon
2016-03-18PGL3-PT085Premium Gold: Infinite GoldPremière Ouro: Ouro InfinitoGold Rare
2018-03-09LCKC-PT093Legendary Collection Kaiba Mega PackColeção Lendária Kaiba Mega PackUltra Rare
2018-05-24DASA-PT044Dark SaviorsSalvadores das TrevasSuper Rare
2021-06-17EGO1-PT032Egyptian God Deck: Obelisk the TormentorDeck dos Deuses Egípcios: Obelisco, o AtormentadorCommon


ReleaseNumberSetSpanish nameRarity
2014-08-14DUEA-SP066Duelist AllianceAlianza de DuelistasCommon
2014-12-13AP06-SP025Astral Pack SixSobre Astral SeisCommon
2015-09-17MP15-SP1092015 Mega-Tin Mega Pack2015 Mega-Lata Mega PackCommon
2016-01-28SR01-SP027Emperor of Darkness Structure DeckEmperador de la Oscuridad Baraja de EstructuraCommon
2016-03-17PGL3-SP085Premium Gold: Infinite GoldDorada Premium: Oro InfinitoGold Rare
2018-03-08LCKC-SP093Legendary Collection Kaiba Mega PackColección Legendaria Kaiba Mega PackUltra Rare
2018-05-24DASA-SP044Dark SaviorsSalvadores OscurosSuper Rare
2021-06-17EGO1-SP032Egyptian God Deck: Obelisk the TormentorBaraja de Dioses Egipcios: Obelisco el AtormentadorCommon


ReleaseNumberSetJapanese nameRarity
2014-04-19DUEA-JP066Duelist Allianceザ・デュエリスト・アドベントCommon
2015-09-19SR01-JP027Structure Deck R: Advent of the True Monarchストラクチャーデッキ R ( アール ) - 真 ( しん ) 帝 ( てい ) 王 ( おう ) 降 ( こう ) 臨 ( りん ) -Common
2018-02-24DBDS-JP044Deck Build Pack: Dark Saversデッキビルドパック -ダーク・セイヴァーズ-Common
Normal Parallel Rare
2021-07-0121TP-JP313Tournament Pack 2021 Vol.3トーナメントパック 2021 Vol. ( ボリューム ) 3Common

Japanese Asian

ReleaseNumberSetJapanese nameRarity
2014-04-19DUEA-JA066Duelist Allianceザ・デュエリスト・アドベントCommon


ReleaseNumberSetKorean nameRarity
2014-07-18DUEA-KR066Duelist Alliance더 듀얼리스트 어드벤트Common
2016-04-05SR01-KR027Structure Deck R: Advent of the True Monarch STRUCTURE DECK ( 스트럭처 덱 ) R - 진제왕강림Common
2018-05-11DBDS-KR044Deck Build Pack: Dark Savers덱 빌드 팩 -다크 세이비어즈-Common
Normal Parallel Rare

Simplified Chinese

ReleaseNumberSetSimplified Chinese nameRarity
2020-10-17DBDS-SC044Deck Build Pack: Dark Savers系列补充包 黑暗救世主Common
Normal Parallel Rare
2021-10-10EGO1-SC032Structure Deck: Egyptian Gods' Advent: Slifer the Sky Dragon & Obelisk the Tormentor主题卡组套组 幻神降临 欧西里斯之天空龙&欧贝利斯克之巨神兵Common

In other media

Page Medium Debut date
The Monarchs Stormforth (DY) Manga 2016-02-05
The Monarchs Stormforth (Master Duel) Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel 2022-01-19