Eduheal International English Olympiad (IEO)

We help students of class 1 to 10 in preparation of IEO exam and courses through sample question and practice papers.

About Eduheal International English Olympiad (IEO)

Eduheal International English Olympiad is a very unique Olympiad which stresses on the importance of English in academics, its relevance in today's Global World and in day to day life. It will give its focus on general English, Grammar & writing skills and, its comprehension. All The questions will be easy & interactive kind which the student will enjoy reading and solving.

Eduheal IEO Syllabus and Marking Scheme

Level 1: Pen/paper (OMR) based multiple choice questions on CBSE, ICSE, State, IB syllabus; to be conducted in your school.

Section wise questions

Classes 7 to 10

Section wise questions

Level 2: National Selected students - All Successful school toppers will participate in a computer based/online test to be conducted at exam centres all over India in Feburary These tests will have interactive questions. The Syllabus will be same as was in level-1.

Level 3: International Feb. onwards, level 2 toppers will be selected for International Olympiad training camps which will mentor these toppers for project based competitions conducted by Oracle Foundations Think Quest. IOTC will be mentored by top scientists from IIT, Delhi.

Schedule for 2018-2019 examination

The exam will be held on 5 th October 2018.


For latest updates,please visit the official website at

Check Class-wise Syllabus here:
Class 1

Jumbled Letters, Words: Their Meanings and Opposites Identify the Word From the Picture, Making a Word, Feminine and Masculine, One and Many, Word Pairs, Odd One Out, Animals: Their Babies, Sounds and Groups, Nouns, Verbs, Articles, Comprehension (Prose and Poetry).

Achievers Section: Higher Order Thinking Questions - from the above given Syllabus.

What we Offer?

Class 2

Section – 1: Collocations, Spellings, Words related to animals and their sounds, Clothes, Body parts, Basic emotions, Food, etc. Nouns, Pronouns, Verbs, Adverbs, Adjectives, Articles, Prepositions, Conjunctions, Contractions, Word order, Punctuation, Simple tenses.

Section – 2: Search for and retrieve information from various text types like stories, short dialogues, etc. Acquire broad understanding of and look for specific information in short texts like messages, invitations, etc.

Section – 3 : Ability to understand situation-based variations in functions like thanking, greeting, asking for permission, introducing (oneself), etc.

Section – 4: Higher Order Thinking Questions - Syllabus as per Sections 1, 2 and 3.

What we Offer?

Class 3

Comprehension: Based on General Topics, Story based topics.

Knowledge: Classification, Answering General questions, Understanding through definition and example.

Grammar: Formation and use, Sentences, Noun, Pronoun, Verb, Articles, Preposition, Conjunction, Antonyms! Synonyms, Use of possessives/Jumbled sentences.

Understanding : Developing writing skill, Story construction, Short paragraph construction.

What we Offer?

Class 4

Comprehension: Based on General Topics, Story based topics.

Knowledge: Classification, Analogy, Answer of General question.

Grammar: Sentence, Noun, Pronoun, Verb, Article, Preposition, Conjunction, Antonym, Synonyms, Jumbled sentence, Elementary knowledge of tenses through use of possessives.

Writing Skills : Story construction, Short composition.

What we Offer?

Class 5

Comprehension: General topic, Story based topics.

Knowledge: Classification I Analogy, Distinguishing between real and imaginary, distinguishing between fact and opinion, distinguishing through definition and example.

Grammar: Sentences, Noun I Pronoun, Verb I Articles, Preposition, Conjunction, Voice, Direct and indirect speech I Antonym / Synonym, Elementary Idea of tenses, Jumbled sentences.

Writing Skills: Story construction, Essay Construction

What we Offer?

Class 6

Comprehension: Based on General topics, Story / incident based, Stanza based.

Knowledge: Classification I Analogy, Distinguishing between Fact and Opinion, Identification through definition and example, Antonyms /Synonyms, Jumbled sentence.

Grammar: Noun, Pronoun, Verb, Adverb, Preposition, Conjunction, Tenses, Voice, Modals.

Analysis: Inferring information, judging completeness of process, judging logic of actions, judging story logic.

Writing Skills: Paragraphs, Eassy, Letters.

What we Offer?

Class 7

Comprehension: Based on General topics, Story / incident based, Stanza based.

Knowledge: Classification, Analogy, Distinguishing between Fact and Opinion, Identification through definition and example, Antonyms /Synonyms, Jumbled sentence.

Grammar: Noun, Pronoun, Verb, Adverb, Preposition, Conjunction, Tenses, Voice, Modals,Clauses,Determiners.

Analysis: Inferring information, Judging completeness of process, Judging logic of actions, Judging story logic.

Writing Skills : Paragraphs, Eassy,letters,Noitce,Message and Reports

What we Offer?

Class 8

Comprehension: Based on General topics, Story / incident based, Stanza based.

Knowledge: Classification, Analogy, Distinguishing between Fact and Opinion, Identification through definition and example, Antonyms /Synonyms, Jumbled sentence.

Grammar: Noun, Pronoun, Verb, Adverb, Preposition, Conjunction, Tenses, Voice, Modals, Clauses, Determiners.

Analysis: Inferring information, judging completeness of process, judging logic of actions, judging story logic.

Writing Skills: Paragraphs, essay, letters, notice, Message and Reports

What we Offer?

Class 9

Comprehension: Based on General topics, Story / incident based, Stanza based.

Knowledge: Classification, Analogy, Word Meaning, Antonyms /Synonyms, Jumbled sentence.

Grammar: Noun , Pronoun , Verb , Adverb , Preposition , Conjunction , Tenses , Voice , Modals,Clauses,Determiners.

Analysis: Inferring information, judging completeness of process, judging logic of actions, judging story logic.

Writing Skills: Paragraphs, essay , letters , notice , message and Reports.

What we Offer?

Class 10


What we Offer?