Request letter for company registration

request letter for company registration template

When you start your own business, then there are quite a few things that need to be done in order for your business to become successful. You need to reach people who are interested in your project, make good advertisements, and make sure that your clients are happy with their products. But before you do all that, you need to register your business.

How to write a request letter for company registration?

This request letter is one of those letters that doesn't need any changes. You only need to fill in your own information and add your documents.

Example of a direct way of asking for company registration:
I have launched a new business of selling products. After thoroughly reading the terms and conditions and the availability of names, I have a company that goes by this Name. Enclosed with this application is a copy of the bank draft and other required documents for registration purposes. Kindly file my company’s name into the registered companies list. In case of any further queries or information, please feel free to contact me at the provided number. Your immediate assistance in this matter will be highly appreciated.

Download this sample Request for company registration letter so that you can send in your letter as soon as possible and start selling your products.

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